Sunday, February 3, 2008

Here's What A Fatty Looks Like Before Smoking!

Alright, continuing from the post below, after I filled the flattened out fatty with the good stuff, I then rolled it back up, making sure to seal in all the stuff inside. You might need to add some more oil to your hands when doing this, as it makes it easier and prevents the sausage from sticking to your hands. Once rolled up, I put some of the same dry rub on it that I used on the pork roast. Then, I wrapped it in plastic wrap. Always rap your dry rubbed meats in plastic wrap before you cook them. Do not use foil or a container. Wrap in plastic! This fatty will sit in the refridgerator for a couple hours before I put it on the smoker. In a little while, I will add another post with a picture of the fatty and pork roast on the grill.

By the way, here's the dry rub recipe I used for both meats today:

1. 8 parts paprika;

2. 4 parts All Season;

3. 4 parts garlic salt

4. 2 parts chili powder;

5. 2 parts ground oregano;

6. 2 parts coarse ground pepper;

7. 1 part cayenne papper; and

8. 1 part kosher salt (kosher salt sticks to meat better).

This dry rub recipe is adapted from a recipe I got from a Memphis Tiger football fan. I use more salt, especially with pork. If you use it on beef, I would use garlic power instead of garlic salt, and I also might reduce or eliminate the kosher salt altogether. I refuse to use rubs with sugars in them, although I do sprinkle brown sugar on salmon, but only with a few minutes left in the cook. Sugars burn, and I've never had much luck with sugars in rubs used on meats like pork roasts and brisket.

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